Monday, 10 October 2016

hi hello! i am no longer orignal but a plain brick wall

An ode to a chopstick and earwigs
I am still learning my lefts and rights yet new markings appear here and there
The bath is cracked and the milk curdles once your toes touch the surface,
Toes that have written anthologies which made internet poets weep
You are no poet
 An ink scribbled daydream with your cardigan drooping
Sucking on the teats of culture,
 a boiling heartbreak
Reborn of stolen originality. 
Yet here we are
singing with the earwigs whilst drumming a chopstick
teach me my left and rights and 
I will teach you the art of throwing spare change into the well
 or how to have tea parties with car guards
let us be the definition of art breathing through life,
let our toes dangle and voices rise
with the earwigs.


Saturday, 24 September 2016

Catacombs (of yourself)

Wondrous light fading
a symphony of the catacombs
as our light light follows endlessly,
into the belly of the serpent.
Slithering this way and that
While the rotten souls point in your direction.

Woken up
Youre in bed with a monster
who roars his endless love for you with a voice that shudders the earth
you are a filthy monster, accusing bitch goddess
which is the dream, which is the monster?

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Saying Sorry is as simple as the use of a comma

I am learning what is mine and what is yours.
I have learnt how to tie my shoes and when to stop stirring the jam.
I have also learnt where to put the stamp and how to rescue a bee
also how to read the recipes and when to pronounce a silent letter
along with where to walk on the pavement and when to lick the ice-cream
the art of when to not say sorry is which i am still new to.
I'm awfully sorry that I forgot to sing happy birthday in tune
I'm really sorry that I didn't want to go to that one party
Truly I'm sorry when I talked too much about Yeats
I must apologize for that one time when I kept humming
Or when I cried too much looking at a mere copy of Klimt
And I am sorry for holding your hand too much 
Also I forgot to apologize for when i got the hiccups 
I'm just sorry for apologizing about my self-worth
Im sorry if this is too much about me
Im sorry if this makes no sense

I'm sorry for writing this poem.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

the violation in picking flowers

Long grass was supposed to be our comparison to our childhood
but now i all think of is allergies and bee stings.
i dont enjoy the poppies,
far too flamboyant in that red dress,
tapping her black shoes until till we are a heaving migraine 
of self-pity and poppies.
It is a violation to pick flowers
the abortion of a blooming field.
Leave the flowers child
and back to the long grass I go,
water dripping down the tip of my nose
whilst the poppies dance once again.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Shakespeare beat me to it but i thought i was in love

To compare the moon to you would be a sin
with her ever changing pattern of sadness
To compare you to a daisy,oh how would i cry
for her plain petals could never douse your passionate heart
To compare the summers day
 in all honesty would be best
For the biting ants and sunshine glare
would most definetly be best to compare
I destest the thought of everlasting love
soon to compare me to that of a dead flower
letting the sun wither me away
in the fields of comparison

Words from a carrot cake splattered notebook

Sunshine streaming dust
Blake would have said it better
but the ice cream is all gone 
and the tears are all finished
I dislike our presence in the library
I dislike your presence in my memory 
boots are scuffed and muddy
sleeves are soggy and wet
the tea went cold
I dislike your presence in the kitchen
I dislike your presence in my memory
The milk is off 
thick,vile and yellow
much like the protection of your heart 
get out wild beast
lead your trail of rotting nostalgia somewhere else.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

one time i just mixed words like a cake and the result was arrogrance.

the little words dance and groan in my mouth
silly words which serve no meaning other than sounding pleaseing to the ear of a stranger.
at some godforsaken time of midnight is when the little words are born
imagine that of thousands of bubbles being delivered  between the legs of a thesaurus,
the torn out libary pages and dog eared steals from school.
this is not a confession,
simply the beginning 
the little words are diseases of the mind
romanticizing the horrors of what should and should not be conformed or condoned
they are the leaky eyes of the last pomegranate on the rotten tree
mere words or ocillating comparisons repeating themselves until 
heaving up the result;
the out of tune piano recital,
the burnt bread.
this is not a confession
this is an illusion,
of a self pitying prince wishing himself in a castle to complain of dragons and loneliness 
these are the odd words which dance in my mouth and on my fingertips
i am no poet
i am just trying to find my way
in the upsidedown reality of  breakfast before brushing your teeth
and taking your clothes off before your shoes
these words are tunes i wish to play
this is me calming down
breathing in the words
and repeating them in my head
the traffic lights are confused whilst pigeons are the image of anarchy
i am done
the words have left me
these are not confessions
these are just words.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Confessions from one who talks too much (and worries too much)

I was in between National Geographic articles and dusty gramophones.
I was stuck on thoughts about capitalism over tea with my mother
who never really left the asylum of materialism
I was told it was just a phase over coffee with my teacher
that i should bow my head and pray 
to become a doctor
or afford a sunny suburban 3 bedroom house.
i was told by my art teacher that Rococo was useless 
and had I read Freud?
i was told not to take the crusts off sandwiches i ate
on my way to pick grapes for the dogs wine.
I was told that I did not know myself.
However I know that the fish would die 
and our seas would be empty by 2048.
But hey, have you ever tried sushi?
I know to never fall in love with a boy who recites Bukowski  while asking for a lighter.
I know of the secrets that English teachers refuse to share
about the secret meaning of Yeats and Burroughs.
I know it is not just a phase.
I know that the monotonous circle of dreary suburbia
will grip my friends with microwaves and tucked in shirts.
I will break that circle.
I will play with the crazies until 
we collapse on the floor,
drunk off words and DADA cafes of 1916.
I will wear yellow gumboots to a politicians dinner
and spit in their beef rather than protesting.
I will burn my microwave and not tuck in my shirt.
I will socialize with the untouchables whilst drinking
the finest champagne out of a boot.
I will not listen to the radio while making eggs for my alcoholic husband on a Sunday.
I will tattoo poetry on my eyebrows,
causing distress in my fathers eyes
over pickled onions on a Tuesday.
I will dust the left corner but not the right
I will nbe upside down and cut my own hair.
I will be my own wild thing
I know that this isn't a phase. 

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Oliver De Sagazan is my imaginary friend

On one side I wish to be a writer,
to get drunk and
  see what words an altered state would say
about the world,shoes and the creepy neighbor.
One side craves the bright lights and city lust
whilst abstinence tempts my words.
the color of paint goes 
to blue
to purple
like the veins on my spidery arm while i try to sing in tune.
My church has stained tear windows
and a backyard priest foaming about ideas 
of the world and physics.
The barefoot shaman battles with the 
practically depressed artist draped in stained denim.
The insecurity of what and who to feel and be
is eating my existence whole 
while i drink skinny green tea hoping to feel something.
I am not taken seriously because my maths sums are never correct
and i forget to punctuate my sentences
i am falling but rising.
i am just trying to exist.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Words written in maths class

words i wrote when it seemed that everything was back to front and odd.

this pen  made 2 million rand and now writes the words of a saddened adolescent cheated by the guided works of young adult books
this pen just ran out of ink

wear your sadness on your sleeve
show your heartbreak 
hold your head up
and wear your socks odd

the artists felt something i will never posses in my conscious thoughts and words
the world appeared upside down paired with mismatched  cutlery and a glare from her mother
i want Dali to illustrate my dreams
while Turner  tampers with my nightmares to create a cacophony
 of heaven found in a boy who i loved.

wearing buttons in your hair
and clips on your coat to a garden tea party
spit in the sandwiches 
sneeze in the cordial
become a dismay of the dictionary to put your name in the thesaurus

A side way street for existential crises
and another for the addicts 
do not become your medication
do not conform to your prescription 

do not write poetry in maths class 


(a pantry)
let us hide in our sanctuary of dried fruits and spices
where did the cat go?
a hide and seek game is essential in between the biscuits and sugar
watch the ants form renaissance art in search for the honey
where did you put that homemade jam?
ink your childhood lovers name in the cracks so mother wont see
lick icing sugar off fingers when the tears are salty and splattered
drop the flour and create a snowstorm in the summer
make a rainbow in the spice rack 
a city with the bowls and plates 
let your imagination drip with the syrup 
watch the ants 
and hope that you wont be found.

Friday, 13 May 2016


B is for bliss
The frozen-cherry-summer lips bliss
evil ignorant bliss
Cold toes and rotten milk bliss
The evil ignorant bliss
Bliss for stony pavements,melting ice creams
The bliss of red scratches oozing red blood
The Bliss of the unknown
Our forgotten bliss for each other
B is for Bliss.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

The Apple

An Apple 
An old man gives himself to you and becomes an apple
Your apple
This apple is the apple of your eye
Hidden in your pocket is the apple
Until it starts to rot
To rot and mold
To produce the stench of death it does
Your apple
You take your rotten burden everywhere with you
Young children wont be alone in a room with you
Family wont look you in the eye
You carry the apple until you begin to rot
Turning black and moldy
Until you give yourself to someone else
And become an apple
Their apple
An apple of their eye
A death to their existence
Their apple.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

With the luck of lust

Here it is
Me in my gold framed glasses
 And you in your unshined shoes
We are the scuff marks of this party
Seen and unspoken of
Apparently we are in love
 Apparently we are part of a cult
Our punch glasses are empty since no one offers us a drink
The music is not of our taste, god don’t you just love techno?

There’s whispers that we’ve just snorted coke in the loo and I have heroin pock marks
The blonde girl closet to us giggles that we wear our underwear inside out
But to heck with that, we dance and chatter as if it was just us
And it is
The techno isn’t too bad when we waltz and I definitely enjoyed the tango to deephouse
 We must come to uninvited parties more often
With the luck of lust there’s one tomorrow.

The Beginning.

Hello there!

After being tired of scribbling poetry and being too scared to show it to anyone,
I have decided to start a little blog to jot down all the strange words that come to my head and hopefully connect with others who enjoy the works of poetry.
My grammar is not particularly the best and neither is my spelling so please try and bear with me.
Certain subjects in my works are not afflicted with anyone particular nor is there an underlying meaning in any of my work unless i have expressed it before hand.
All poems are original unless started otherwise.
I hope you enjoy the words as much as i have enjoyed the process.
happy reading!